Sunday, January 17, 2010

E entretanto a noticia vai-se espalhando ...

É interessante, a além do mais faz bem ao ego patriótico, ver como a notícia da aprovação do casamento EPMS em Portugal tem sido noticiada e comentada por esse mundo fora, desde o "Jakarta news" ate aos "Pink News", onde este facto é visto por muitos como um sinal de maturidade e de avançado nível de civilização do nosso país, o que como é sabido nem sempre acontece ...
Ao ler as "Pink News", não resisti em colocar aqui o raciocínio de uma comentadora que desmonta o argumento papal segundo o qual as relações EPMS são contra-natura :

"How to put this kindly…

We're always told that, for all his failings, the present Pontiff has a formidable grasp of logic.

Given this, I'd have thought he could come up with a better justification than the "natural" differences between men and women.

Since gay sex is, by definition, physically possible, and in most cases (like most straight sex) physically harmless, it is "natural" in the broader sense. This tells us next to nothing about whether sexual or emotional relationships are desirable.

Common sense suggests that this has rather more to do with the way two people treat each other than it has with their gender.

The argument against gay relationships holds only if you believe that reproduction is the SOLE legitimate aim of sex, and then you would have to rail against all non vaginal sex (married or not) as well as sex between the elderly or infertile, married or not.

And whatever you're views about the merits of gay relationships then if you profess to believe that sex is better in a loving and committed relationship, then attacking gay people for alleged promiscuity, while denying them the stability of marriage, is the greatest hypocrisy of all.

Besides which, the Pope himself is on especially shaky ground given his view of celibacy. After all, whichever way you look at it, leaving your sexual organs totally unused, is the most "unnatural" behaviour of all.

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Comment by Cyril — January 11, 2010 @ 14:05

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