Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Pensava eu que era socialista e afinal, segundo este inquérito, politicamente sou:
1 - You are a communist. You believe, at least in theory, in absolute equality of income - and you oppose the whole capitalist system per se. You want to abolish the market economy and replace it with one in which the workers (usually meaning the state) control the building blocks of the economy. Your views on personal morality will vary; traditional communists tended to be more authoritarian, while modern "eurocommunists" tend to take a liberal line.
#2 You are an ecologist or green.
#3 You are a social liberal.
#4 You are a classical socialist,
#5 You are a social democrat.
#6 You are an anarcho-communist,
#7 You are a fascist.
#8 You are a market liberal.
#9 You are a libertarian conservative.
#10 You adhere to the Third Way.
#11 You are an anarcho-capitalist.
#12 You are a Christian democrat


lobotomias said...

Não tem razões para ficar zangado com o teste pelo menos sempre o colocou antes como fascista(7) do que como democrata cristão(12)!!!
Cristão é que não!

rack said...
